Popular places for C.B.I. include restaurants, community parks, and the zoo but we typically start out by visiting a store. When planning our trip to visit a store for the first time, we acknowledged the importance of our students practicing this skill first in the classroom. We set up a "store" of empty food containers on some bookshelves in our classroom. Price tags were printed and affixed to each item and each student was given a "shopping list" of items to find. Differentiating (or leveling) this instruction was also pretty easy! Some of our students used a picture shopping list with a place for the student to check off "buying" an item. Other students used shopping lists with the check-format but also a space to write and total the price! We made it as realistic as possible, with one staff member reminding them to walk and use a quiet mouth.
Advanced Shopping List
Skill Sheet
Basic Shopping List
After a few days of prep, we visited a local store! Each student used a list to find necessary items and we later used the supplies to make pancakes (find my breakfast task analyses here). The shopping trip is one I am excited to repeat soon!
As my first Throwback Thursday, I am also making these resource a FLASH FREEBIE! Get this resource for FREE in my TpT store from 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. tonight only! Find it fast here!
Happy Teaching!
Kortnie C.
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