Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Holidays from Room 4: Crafting, Gifting, and More!

December was an ultra busy month for us. Looking back, I wish I could extend it (without losing any vacation days, of course).

Check out some of the crafting from our month of holiday cheer:

My coworker at Confessions of a Multi-Tasker made our cutesy holiday bulletin board. The icicles are tissue paper and the snowflakes were foam shapes from the Dollar Tree!

Each student also made a stocking using construction paper, scissors, and glue.

Marble Painted Christmas Trees

Students folded green paper in half and made zig-zag cuts. Once unfolded, students rolled marbles covered with (thinned down) black paint across to make "string" for the tree's lights. Finally, we added a star and a trunk, as well as thumbprint "lights."

This bulletin board is mounted in our "break area." We use it to display some student work relative to our current theme.

What crafts did your kiddos (at home or at school) do for December?

We started planning holiday gifts for parents during Thanksgiving break. In hindsight, this was just enough time to get the job done. We decided on a few different gifts including personalized Handprint Calendars and a hand-selected gift on our CBI shopping trip.

Of course I'll give credit where credit is due. After stumbling on a handprint calendar by G Whiz Teacher, it was deemed a must-make gift timed perfectly for 2014! I did make a few changes, though. Each child created all 12-months for the 2014 calendar, as well as a cover that consisted of their handprints. (*Note: The calendar pictured was one of a few extras I made as a "compilation" of student work that was later gifted to staff members.) I think the best part was making the calendar with each student and hearing some of the dialogue:

"Wow! Uh huh.. a spider!"
"We use 'lots of colors to make a turkey."
"Three white for the snowman."

Cover of Calendar
(Student Handprints or Holiday Message)

January Artwork

February Artwork

March Artwork

April Artwork

May Artwork

June Artwork

July Artwork

August Artwork

September Artwork

October Artwork

November Artwork

December Artwork
(Christmas Tree)

I'll admit it was a bit of work but, in general, the kiddos loved it! They were excited to see what they would paint on each page. Each month also has a corresponding poem printed at the top. December's poem was as follows:
"Here's a little holiday tree,
With lights so shiny and bright.
A star goes on top just in time
For a special winter night."

There are also plenty of ways to incorporate academics into the calendar. Some examples include asking students to:
  • Label the holidays and important days on the calendar months
  • Select stickers or embellishments appropriate to each month
  • Decorate pages according to theme
  • Fill in calendar dates

I hope the calendars are a gift parents will use all year. One parent already wrote back a note saying it was a gift they will cherish forever... It feels great to know our hard work was appreciated!

For full directions, download a copy of my 2014 Handprint Calendar in my Teachers Pay Teachers Store. It includes a few extras that will (hopefully) make the handprint calendar process a bit easier!

BONUS: My 2014 Handprint Calendar is FREE THROUGH FRIDAY 1/3/14! That's right. Consider it a late holiday present! ;)

Happy Teaching!
Kortnie C.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

It Has to Be Said: (6 Tips and Tricks for Easy) Data Collection

One of the things that first drew me to Applied Behavior Analysis was data collection. Growing up, the rigor of science always appealed to me. When I found out about ABA during my undergrad career, I was eager to learn more about it. Fortunately for me, I haven't stopped learning since.

I've always believed that the best educational pedagogies involve a synthesis of the art of teaching and the science of applied behavior analysis. I am forever thankful that my current position allows me to apply my unique philosophy to better the lives of my students.

But let's be honest, in a world where teachers and parents are bombarded by a seemingly endless list of duties, no one is jumping to add another commitment. In the past, I've heard comments from fellow educators who believe that data collection is a waste of time. "There's too much emphasis [on data collection]. Teaching is suffering."

Say what now?

If this is the case where you are, read on.

Data collection doesn't have to be overbearing. Of course, it should be as accurate as possible but it should also be manageable. Check out these tips for minimizing some of "the crazy requirements" surrounding data collection.

1.  Use permanent product as much as possible. Regular education teachers do this all the time (think grades/homework) and special education teachers (no, wait, ALL teachers) can, too! A lot of kiddos have academic goals that can be tracked by using some sort of "artifact" from the learning process.

An example of this is measuring a child's single-digit addition goal via a full-in worksheet. "Bobby will be able to accurately complete single digit (1-9) addition problems. This goal will be considered mastered when Bobby achieves at least 90% accuracy on daily math probes for three consecutive school days." So, each day in school, give Bobby a work sheet or ten addition clip ons (check out some of my other clip ons here). He turns it in or places it in the finished work bin and TADA! You are able to collect data on an academic goal via permanent product.

2. Train and train well. And then provide additional prompts. Most likely, more than one person is going to be taking data on a behavior. It's important for all professionals to know the protocol for the data collection. It helps to run through any new procedures at least a few times. Even with veteran staff, it can help to provide additional prompting. In my classroom, each child has his or her own clipboard for data collection.We also type, print, and use contact paper to adhere specific definitions to each board. Each student's data collection sheets are printed and dated at the start of each week; lowering the response effort seems to increase the probability that all staff will consistently collect data ;).

3. Use tools to aide the process. Did you read my post about tally counters? They are a simple, effective way to frequency count and can be clipped onto a board, wrist, or belt loop. We also started attaching small digital timers to any clipboards we are using to measure duration.

4. Remember the terminal goal. Essentially, why is data collection taking place? Is the aimline (or where you want to "see the behavior go") set? Is progress being made or is a change necessary?  I the life of a teacher, it's easier than it should be to lose sight of the purpose for data collection. If there isn't a clear goal or progress is not being made, a change is in order.

5. Data collection is only as effective as the analysis that follows. We all need the occasional friendly reminder. The ultimate purpose of collecting any data is to use it to make informed decisions to better the lives of students. Best practice involves graphing at the end of every session, school day, or as soon as possible (whichever comes first). The staff responsible for collecting data can also be asked to graph it, as well.

6. Be consistent. Try to incorporate measures for interobserver agreement, or IOA. An easy way to do this is to ask two staff to collect data at the same time but independently of one another. Also, if data collection is supposed to happen at a set time (i.e. every day, during math, at recess) be sure that it is collected as much as possible. This will allow the data to reflect the behavior(s) as accurately as possible.

Phew! Are you tired, yet? I've recently taken on the task of re-graphing (electronic and hand) all behavioral data for all kiddos where collection is necessary. It's one of the tasks that has prevented me from posting as of late (in addition to completing the ABLLS-R for my students, finals week, holiday shopping, baking, decorating, wrapping, and shoveling feet of snow... oh and not to mention my basement flooded yesterday).

There's a lot more I would like to discuss... such as our December holiday crafts, my thoughts on the ABLLS-R, and the top secret parent gifts that we sent home on Friday but duty calls. I would like to strike at least a few things from my to-do list today.

Happy Teaching!
Kortnie C.

Monday, December 2, 2013

December Currently & Cyber Sale!

Nothing like being called out to post by a coworker! For a fresh perspective on life including some adventures with ABA in AS, check out Jenna's blog, Confessions of a Multitasker!

Tonight's post is going to be a little of this and a little of that. Let's start with the monthly currently from Farley's Blog; you can join up here!

1. Listening - I managed to squeeze in a few hours of Black Friday shopping this year. It was much less than usual because I was not willing to sacrifice any family time for the savings at the stores that opened early Thanksgiving day (C'mon, it's supposed to be Black FRIDAY). Despite going almost 3.5 hours after the sales started, my boyfriend and I managed to snag an XBox-One! We take the occasional break from studying and decorating to play and so far I'm impressed.

2. Loving - I started decorating for the holidays yesterday! I am super proud of myself for waiting until AFTER Thanksgiving to do this... The anticipation is killing me!

3. Thinking - If I try to multi-task one more thing right now my brain might explode. Repeat after me: Must focus on task at hand. Must focus on task at hand. Must focus...

4. Wanting - Sadly, our snow melted today despite the Thanksgiving storm's best efforts. As much as I dislike being an ice road trucker December to March, LET IT SNOW!

5. Needing - A good night of sleep before our first day back! Wishful thinking considering my to do list. How many days until Christmas break? Oh, yea, 21...

6. Favorite Tradition - Kickin' the holidays off right with decorations! I'm particularly enjoying stringing lights everywhere this year - tree, kitchen cabinet, porch!

Now, pretend for a minute we can travel back in time orrrrrr be sure to bookmark this post for next autumn! I present to you:

Autumn on the Farm Crafts
by Adventures with ABA in AS

Give Thanks Glitter Banner
(Can't wait to do this again for the winter holidays!)

"We're Thankful for..." Garland

Handprint Turkey

Paper Plate Brown Owl

Paper Plate Pumpkin Pie

Paper Plate Pink Pig

Now, onto the next task!

Must focus on task at hand.
Must focus on task at hand..
Must focus on task at hand... 

Oh, look, NCIS!

Happy Teaching!
Kortnie C.

P.S. Be sure to grab some great resources from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.
Everything is 28% off until Tuesday!
