Sunday, August 4, 2013


The primary purpose of this blog is to serve as a resource. This is the type of resource from a state with all too many budget cuts for education from a city with all too many children living below the poverty line. (One is too many.)

This is the type of resource from a classroom built nearly from the ground up. Of course, provided was a space inside four walls and minimal furniture.

This is the type of resource from teachers preparing to take those first real, big steps into a classroom of their own. Using evidence-based practices from a science of behavior. Spending personal funds at discount and $1 stores. Arriving early. Staying late. Teachers who are unable to put their dedication to children into words.

Can you relate?
Even if you immediately can't, we're here to ____ (help, guide, inform, demonstrate). This blog is also for friends and family. Because everyone is affected some way.

Although some of the workings on this blog will be composed in first person, I am unable to take full credit for the content posted herein. Instead, I send a plethora of anonymous acknowledgement to all of the other individuals that make this blog and our classroom operable. These are my personal views and should be read as such; they have no affiliation with the establishments at which I am employed or study.

I hope you enjoy my adventures with applied behavior analysis in autistic support.

Check back soon for a freebie!

Thanks for visiting!

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