Sunday, September 15, 2013

How to Keep Parents in the Loop

To start, I created an e-card for this blog post. I promised a post earlier in the week but we lost electricity at my house on Wednesday. Then, Open House was on Thursday and next thing I know, it's Sunday afternoon! In class this week, we were reviewing the basics of determinism and, well, let's just say I found this quote fitting for my situation.

Anyways, this week was parent Open House, which kept me very busy. We created a video to depict "A Day in the Life" of our students as well as other small things. In the spirit of this, today, I have a few ways to bridge home-school communication. In the classroom, we do this multiple ways including daily, weekly, and monthly measures.

Daily, each child takes home a letter outlining skills practiced, activities attended, what they ate for lunch, as well as any other special notes. We also provide parents with a "Sneak Peek at Our Week" through a weekly newsletter. In this is our weekly schedule with any events and our "Day" schedule, our current focus (i.e. body parts, autumn), an FYI, and a Don't Forget section.

On the monthly level, we send home a "Map of Our Month" that outlines the "Day" schedule, as well as any CBI trips, birthdays, holidays, and so on.

All three forms are designed to promote communication between home and school. Parents appreciate being in the loop, especially when the student is unable to communicate about their school day to a great extent.

If you're interested in promoting communication with your students' parents, grab a copy of my Weekly Newsletter and Monthly Calendar Mega Pack, which includes over 30 pages for the whole calendar year!

Happy Teaching!
Kortnie C.

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